Emergent Leader Podcast Episode 19: The Importance of Being an Energetic Leader

In this episode I talk about why it's so important to be an energetic person.  

As Tony Schwartz says, “Each of us has a finite reservoir of energy in any given day. Whatever amount of energy we spend obsessing about missteps we have made, decisions that do not go our way or the belief we have been treated unfairly is energy no longer available to add value in the world.” This is why it's so important to cultivate a mindset that is energetic and a body to match your mind. 

Did you know that energetic people typically get hired more easily, get raises more readily and can persuade audiences more frequently.  It's a fact- it pays to be energetic.  Still, you don't want to be perceived as overly "peppy" or "hyper" but rather, as someone with confidence enough to get the job done.  

Emergent Leader Podcast Episode 18: How Blogging Makes You A Better Professional

In this episode of the Emergent Leader Podcast, I talk about how blogging isn't dead- in fact it's a sign of a true professional.  Companies that blog are more "with it" and will ultimately attract better talent.  For individuals too, blogging makes so much sense and in this episode, I explain why.  

Some helpful resources include:

Emergent Leader Podcast Episode 17: Interview with Michael Sliwinski

In this new episode of the Emergent Leader Podcast, I had the privilege of talking with Michael Sliwinski of Nozbe.  Michael and I talk about teleworking, the success of remote teams and how to cut down on interruptions during the day.  

Michael is one of those persons that just exudes positive energy!  He's generous, ambitious and kind.  

I've used Nozbe for years and keep going back to it for my daily work.  Nozbe 3.0 was just released and celebrates nine years of "simply getting it all done".  

You may want to check out Michael's podcast, The Podcast (what a title!) and his personal blog.  

10 Podcasts I Listen to Each Week

Listening is like reading but with the ears.  There are so many ways to "consume" books, articles and podcasts.  For me, my daily commute is a great opportunity to learn and catch up on my "reading" list which consists of mostly podcasts.

While the following podcasts aren't updated weekly, I check on them and feel like they are my mobile professors.  Just search in your podcast catcher of choice:

  1. The Accidental Creative.
  2. Andy Stanley Leadership Podcast.
  3. The Art of Charm.
  4. Beyond the ToDo List.
  5. The Carey Nieuwhof Leadership Podcast.
  6. HBR IdeaCast.
  7. How I Built my Practice with Gene Monterastelli.
  8. MacBreak Weekly.
  9. NPR Politics Podcast.
  10. Rainer on Leadership.