Think of the last time that you were frustrated at work.
A coworker rubbed you the wrong way, a meeting soured, your workload expanded, whatever.
I can relate. Big time. I spent years plugging along while secretly wanting to be somewhere else. It's not that I didn't enjoy my colleagues or feel that I was making a difference. I just spent way too much time wishing that things were different and as a result, my work suffered.
That's the thing for most of us and the ultimate source for the majority of our anxieties at work- we want to be somewhere else. Instead of embracing the NOW, the PRESENT MOMENT and the CHALLENGE that God has put in front of us, we wish it were different and consequently start to burn out.
That doesn't feel good.
Author Richard Foster invites us to be present in the moment, to go deeper in our faith and in our work, “The desperate need today is not for a greater number of intelligent people, or gifted people, but for deep people.”
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Being a "deep" means carving out blocks of time to do work that matters. This necessarily calls for fewer meetings and as few interruptions as possible. It also implies a job that plays to your strengths.
When those things are present, work can be really fun.
Instead of wanting to be somewhere else, realize that you are where you are for a specific reason. It may be time to wrap your arms around that, no matter how difficult it may seem.