What Did You DO in 2009?

2321799959_875217428d_mIf you watch the news or read any number of blogs as 2010 arrives, you'll find more than a few of the following:

  • 6 Ways to be More Healthy in 2010

  • 14 People to Meet in the New Year

  • 10 Minutes to Better Health in 2010

Please!  It's almost disturbing how hungry people are for small, bite-sized pieces of advice for more effective living.  We gravitate towards messages that are, from their very title, short and sweet.  It could be our ADD-culture or the fact that we are hit with more information than at any other time in history.

On the other hand...

It could also point to a spiritual need we have to be better stewards of all we have and who we are.  We want, deep down, to living lives of spiritual vitality and productivity in the workplace.  Whether you "work" at home to raise your kids or you "work" in a Fortune 500 corporation- work is whatever you need it to be to make a difference in the world.

David Allen, in his December Productive Living newsletter encourages folks to make a list of what you actually accomplished in 2009.  What did you actually DO in the past year?

My wife and I went through this process last night with our children.  As we went around the table, from our youngest to ourselves, we all appreciated what 2009 brought to life.  From swim lessons to a graduate degree to participating in a school musical- and of course a First Holy Communion- 2009 was a pretty darn good year!

My recommendation: take some time to brainstorm the ways in which 2009 was productive and spiritual for you.  Then share that list with those with whom you live and work.

My guess is that you'll be glad you did.

*Photo by angelamaphone