How big is your heart? When you see people in need around you, do you refer to your schedule or desire to help them? Consider that one of the most productive people in history, Mother Theresa, said this to say just a few years ago,
The fruit of silence is prayer
The fruit of prayer is faith
The fruit of faith is love
The fruit of love is service
The fruit of service is peace.
Large words from such a small woman. I then read this early this morning from Pope John XXIII, the man who began the Second Vatican Council in 1962,
You know that it is not the noise that we make in our lives, or the things we see that count but the love with which we do the will of God.
Could it be that on a human level, our ability to get things done is based not so much on Twitter, GTD or LinkedIn? Perhaps love is a hidden force that propels us to compassion and response to human need.