Seth Godin on Being the Best in the World

I'm currently reading Seth Godin's newest book The Dip: When to Quit and When to Stick.  I'm one of those guys who will read anything written by an author that I love.  This would include Godin, Mark Sanborn, Laura Stack, Pat Lencioni and Paula Huston, to name but a few.   Godin is both funny and creative, a great combination that makes for an easy read on any day of the week.

One of the key points of The Dip is being the best in the world.  The catch is this: 'world' is whatever you want it to be.  For me, I have the best realtor in the whole world (congrats Francine!)- her customer service is unparalleled and she is proactive.  That's all we need and for us, she's the best.

In what world do people look to you for expertise and know-how?  It might be your market niche, a nearby neighborhood or your church.  Wherever it is, go with it and savor the moment(s) for all that it's worth.

Resources for the Road
The Dip on Squidoo
Guy Kawasaki asks Seth Godin 10 Key Questions
Escape from Cubicle Nation reviews The Dip