How to Maintain Focus at Work

(photo by Maurice)

All of us know the feeling. It's 5pm and you want to head home but there's this nagging feeling that you've wasted far too much time in the past eight hours.  How could I have puttered, chatted and putzed my way through another work day?

A TDS reader recently commented, "The best of intentions leave many of us guilty of over-socializing.
Before you know it the next actions you had scheduled to complete that
day were cut in half and all because you simply lost focus. So, how can
we maintain focus during the day?"

This question is absolutely critical for those who want to get ahead and get things done.  If you're asking the question, it's a good sign that you've tasted the drink of productivity and you want more.  I've posted on this topic before so it's good to revisit some ideas:

How to Avoid Lengthy Interruptions at Work
Overcoming Interruptions During the Day
Interruptions at Work
Interruptions at Home

Here's a quick fix to stopping the cycle of lost time at work: prepare for your week and begin each day with a plan.  Very simple and super effective.  What works for you?