Think of your fitness. There is probably one area (just one?) of your physique that you wish were different. Whether it’s the never-ending goal of six-pack abs or stronger arms or more defined legs, we all have our wishes for our bodies.
Now think- why aren’t your abs more defined? I know that for me, it’s not a problem with my stomach. Rather, it’s an issue of my head and my lack of want-to. If I’m honest, some things are holding me back but I avoid them. As a result, little changes.
Now pivot to prayer- what’s holding you back? What gets in the way of a meaningful, daily relationship with the Lord? Think about it- a bullet-proof devotional life could give you more confidence, less stress and ultimately produce a more virtuous life. In other words- it’s worth it to be prayerful. Did we mention that Jesus himself was prayerful?
“After He had sent the crowds away, He went up on the mountain by Himself to pray; and when it was evening, He was there alone.” (Matthew 14:23)
If the Savior prayed, I should too. Still, I can get in my own way. How about you? Do you want to be more prayerful but can’t seem to build a daily devotional time?
The Five Obstacles
I suggest five things that may be holding you (and myself included) back from a more fruitful, outstanding prayer life:
A lack of a spiritual director. Of all of the things that I recommend to people, this one is tops. If you wanted to run a marathon, you’d find a coach. If you want to become holy, you identify a spiritual director. A good director is an excellent listener and provides a place to work out your “stuff”. No secrets allowed.
A habitual sin. You may have a sneaky weed that is popping up again and again. No matter how you cut it, a habitual sin (and often an addictive one) is a problem. It’s like a secret that you keep from your spouse- you can only hide it for so long. It will eat you up and consume your energy and time. It’s best to rip it out and that’s why we need #3.
A lack of participation in the Sacrament of Reconciliation. Confession is like going to the dentist- it’s not always fun but makes for a good smile in the long run. Confession, I suggest monthly, is like a tune-up for your soul. It cultivates a habit of being honest and in uniting yourself to Christ through sacramental grace. Confession also builds deep humility, allowing you to shake off your sinfulness and surrender yourself to the cross. Remember- whatever sin you’ve committed has likely been done by someone else. Jesus is in the forgiving business so let’s get to Confession regularly.
No relationship with the Bible and its stories. God speaks to us through the Word. I’ve been drawn to the Psalms of late and find them luring me into a better, more humble appreciation of God’s power and love. The Gospels show us first-hand accounts of the actual life of Jesus. The Epistles give us practical advice on how to live, seven days a week. Wherever you turn in the Bible, there is something there waiting for you. Most of all, there is Someone waiting to teach and guide you- the Lord Himself.
Inconsistent sleep patterns. Your soul can benefit from your body’s consistent rhythms. If you want to have a good morning-time prayer, it’s important to get more rest and then get up at a decent time. Pay attention to a steady investment in sleep- it will produce better prayer.
Remember that prayerfulness takes practice. Pay attention to what you’re noticing. Ask the Lord to bring you into greater prayer.