Smart Ways to End Emails

Have you ever been frustrated because people don't get back to you in emails?  The problem, according to Robert Williams, might be in how you are finishing your emails.

For example, if you finish an email with "just let me know..." or "we should do something", you are less likely to get a response.  The reason: you are adding work to their task list and their brain just goes on freeze mode.

An alternative might be to give them something very specific to do as a next step.  A-la GTD and "what's the next action", an effective email might wrap up with any of the following:

  • I suggest we meet on Friday at 10am in the conference room.  Can you do that?
  • I'll call you in two days to follow up.  
  • Can you let me know about item #5 and if that is agreeable to you?

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Pay attention to your emails.  If people aren't getting back to you, there may be a reason and a slight tweak could make a big difference.