Time to Reinvent Yourself at Work?

Chances are, you won't know when it's time to hit "restart" when it comes to work.  Most of the time, we plug along and then, when it's too late, we realize that it might be time for a fresh start.

New York Giants coach Tom Coughlin learned this recently as he was forced to resign.  It was time to go.  

Science tells us that we often don't see ourselves- physically, socially, etc. as others see us.  I had a hard reality check a few years ago when- gasp, a family photo showed me that I was balding.  "Why didn't you tell me?" I asked my wife as she chuckled.  The whole family then proceeded to tell me that it's been happening for years.  They collectively taught me that I wasn't seeing myself as others did.  Humbling and funny all at the same time!

The truth is, there are times when we need to reboot and start over. After all, it's better to see reality as it is.  Sometimes that means change.

Axe, the body-spray brand, is doing just this with its branding campaign.  Out with the raunchy ads and in with a more "modern masculinity".  It was time to change.

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So how do you know if it's time to reinvent yourself and change it up at work?  You could-

a) ask someone you respect if you're getting stale or ...

b) listen to any stirrings in your heart that it might be time to go or even ...

c) do a "switching analysis" to see if you applied for a different job, what it would gain for you and what you would lose.

This is a healthy process.  I met recently with someone who felt stuck.  She shared with me that her passion was to do something different.  I had never thought of her doing anything but her current role (i.e. I had placed her expertise in a box) but after talking about it, my respect for her swelled as I witnessed someone who still wanted to grow and contribute ... but in a different assignment.  That's self-discernment that any boss would appreciate.

Is it time to reinvent yourself at work?