4 Things To Consider Before You Attend a Conference

Fall is a great time of year to travel. The air is cooler and there are so many great conferences to attend.  In the past few years, I've been lucky enough to attend Catalyst in Atlanta and the Matter Conference in Baltimore.  Both were amazing!

Conferences can be valuable for networking, giving workshops and for doing business with people that would be otherwise difficult to meet.  Still, there are a few things to consider before you attend your next conference for work:

  1. Can you be a presenter?  I like the advice on this from The Muse.  Speaking gives you visibility and sometimes justifies the trip that your boss will most likely cover.  
  2. Can you hone your elevator pitch?  Don't go to a conference just to attend- go to sap its potential and every opportunity it presents.  You'll also want to avoid these 13 common conference mistakes.
  3. Will you be able to blog about it?  Believe it or not, others will be interested in your journey.  Check out Hubspot's advice on this point.
  4. Is it worth the expense?  An obvious question that some forget to ask.

What questions would you add to this list?