Debriefing the Annual NCEA Conference (or any for that matter)

Each year I try to take my team to the National Catholic Education Association conference the week after Easter. I've been successful three of the last four years and the one year I wasn't able to make it, my team went without me (good!).  This year was in Pittsburgh and it was awesome.  Great speakers, lots of fun and tons of learning.  

If you'd like to see my slidedeck for my presentation, Productive Leadership, click here.

Back to the conference.  We go because of the following reasons:

  • Conferences mean learning.  With hundreds of workshops to attend, you're bound to learn a few things about PLC's, project-based learning, technology and much more.
  • Conferences let people network.  Breakfast meetings, Twitter meet-ups, lunch meet and greets- all provide you with opportunities to network and connect with other educational professionals.  
  • Conferences allow you to explore different cities.  Since NCEA is in a different city each year, there's new things to see and of course, plenty of food!  (which equals bonding since food brings people together)

I typically spend the week after a conference (like NCEA) doing the following:

  1. Input any business cards into Evernote.
  2. Email individuals that I met at the conference.
  3. Process any paper notes that I took.
  4. Submit my expense receipts to the business office.
  5. Refer business contacts to folks at work.
  6. Deseminate notes I took for my coworkers who were not able to be at NCEA.

This process works well for me.  What do you do to debrief a conference?