Trends I'd Like to See in 2011: Productivity

This is part III of III on Trends that I'd Like to See in 2011.  Today we turn to things that would be a welcome sign in the next year in the area of productivity.  Here goes:

  1. More GTD in non-business settings. Pastors need GTD (Getting Things Done) as much as CEOs.  Just read Fast Company's treatment of Pastor Bill Hybels' Global Leadership Summit and you'll see the benefit of the business-faith dynamic.

  2. DISC Profiles all around. If you're not familiar with the DISC Profile, you're missing out on something.  This is the single most powerful tool that I've used in the past year.  Manager Tools does the best job around of utilizing the power of the Profile.

  3. Podcasting that's consistent. I'm as guilty as the next guy of dropping a cast to iTunes and then not seeing the podcast studio for months at a time.  I don't think we need daily casts but a solid weekly cast would be more welcome.

  4. Productivity coaching that's affordable for non-profits. Let's make a commitment to help our non-profit leaders get more productive through affordable means.  They need to be on their game as much as anyone in order to change the world so let's figure out ways to help them be more productive.

What would you like to see in the area of productivity in 2011?

*photo by smemon