A Layman's Guide to Lent: Time to Get Radical

3308380944_9a3ea9fd86_mEveryone's talking about Lent and why not?  It's a holy time of year after all.  Christians have been celebrating Lent for oh, about 1900 years.

I wrote about Lent earlier this week and I'm wondering how you're going to get into the spirit of fasting, alms-giving and prayer.  What will it be? Giving up chocolate again?  Let's hope that Lent is that and so much more.  How about an entire day of prayer or giving up something real like the internet or gossip.  Lent is for those who want to take things into overdrive.

Rick Warren, one of TDS' favorite pastors is also talking about Lent but not in those exact terms.  His series RADICALIS is not only popular but wise.  At the end of the day, Lent is about prepping for Easter through ancient ascetic practices.

Will you take your faith to the next level this Lent?  Better yet, will you allow the Holy Spirit to do it for you?

*photo by akahodag