Mini Review: A Whole New Mind by Dan Pink

I stumbled across Dan Pink's A Whole New Mind: Why Right Brainers Will Rule the Future, at an NCEA educator's conference earlier this summer.  Nice cover, I'll give it a go.  Boy, did that investment pay off!

This book is phenomenal.  Pink makes the case that right brain thinkers (creative, out of the box types) are all around and are poised to become more prominent leaders in their families and at work.  Pink details what he calls the conceptual age. 

Features of this age include an increase in right brain/creative folks who are in touch with the need to maximize their artistic and aesthetic abilities.  Promoting a style of life which Pink calls "high concept, high touch", the right brainer understands that style does make you feel good and intuition can be manifest through outward actions.

Pink then goes on to discuss the "six senses" of right brainers.  These include: design, story, symphony, empathy, play and meaning.  My favorite, no surprise to TDS readers, was meaning.  In short, Pink explains that more and more folks are turning to things spiritual for purpose in their lives.  Excellent!

I have begun to read A Whole New Mind for the second time- it's that good! 

Post Update: I emailed Dan Pink to let him know how much I enjoyed his book.  Not surprisingly, he emailed back.

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