Photo by Andy Piper
The next time you read a great book and enjoy the author's perspective, check out his or her blog. It says an awful lot about the person.
I'm currently reading Margaret Benefiel's Soul at Work (mini review and subsequent interview with Margaret coming soon) and Donald Miller's Blue Like Jazz. I'm digging both of these authors for different reasons.
Margaret is blogging, writing and speaking publicly all the time. As a result, I want to read her stuff more often. I check out Donald's site and I see all sorts of new stuff coming out in '08. No blogging but apparently he's active and doing well. I'm not crazy about all of the up-close, unshaven photos but what can you do?
Last night I was out to dinner with a good friend and fellow author. He blogs about once a week and while it's not his natural medium, he realizes the value of blogging as an author.
In short, blogging shows your readers that you have a pulse. You're alive and doing well. Readers don't need much more than that. As long as they feel that you're capable of writing again, you're all set. Blogging also provides a way to interact with your audience in a less formal way. Donald Miller has a newsletter sign up and Margaret Benefiel pens one herself. Smart moves by two successful writers.
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