No Matter How You Slice it, Gratitude Still Matters

As Thanksgiving is upon us, we all know that Nov. 25 is a great day to consider our blessings.  The problem is the other 364 days of the year.

We just don't thank others enough for the work they do.  Sadly, this includes God.  After all, He doesn't take a personal day or call in sick like the rest of us.

So what are you thankful for this year?  It may be a person, a place or a thing.  The key is to name your thankfulness and share it with others.

I'll go first-

I'm especially thankful for my beautiful wife and our healthy, fun and occasionally mischievous children.  For our imperfect home and a long commute.  For our church which has grounded us in Christ for the past few years.  For my job which stretches me beyond measure.  For my renewed interest in prayerfulness.  For productivity and the ways it profoundly changes our lives.  For this blog.  For good friends.  For good books that change the way I think and behave.  For my amazing parents and the values they instilled in me decades ago.  For my brothers who are two of the best men I know.  For my other band of brothers- my friends who I turn to for support.  For the present moment.

How about you?

*photo by Darwin Bell